Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thursday Evening Gratitude

A new soul friend gave me a wonderful idea. To me, a soul friend is a friend that your soul can connect with, even though you may have never met them before. I actually just came up with that right now. Haha.. :)

Anyway, I stumbled across her blog when I was google image searching for "dirty dishes". I was feeling really down, discouraged, and useless. Oh, for a hoard of reasons. But that's not my point. I am a dreadful housekeeper, but it's not that I don't want to be or am incapable of it. Strangely, this woman was going through the same thing, apparently three years ago, and that's where I got the picture of "a mound of dirty dishes." She too, had been struggling with procrastination and lack of self-worth. For different reasons, I am sure.. but I felt as though I connected with her. 

After reading the first blog of hers, I loved how she put words together and how she felt free to say what was on her mind. I read more and more of her blogs, and found that she had several "Day of the Week/Time of Day/Gratitude" postings -such as my head title. It really prompted me to do the same. No matter how awful you feel, or how badly you let yourself down (because that's really want it's about; YOU), there is still something worth living for, and you can still force yourself up again. So I've decided to tell you ten things I am grateful for tonight.

1. My God, who created me with the ability to recover easily, to find joy in life where no one else might find it, and for my optimistic personality.

2. My husband, who is usually patient with me.. and who I am trying so desperately hard to please. 

3. For the cozy little room where our king bed sits.. the room is so very warm, all afternoon with the sunlight streaming in through the window. It's a small enough room it captures heat really well. So warm and cozy for me and my book this afternoon <3. My spirit felt renewed.

4. For the silver lining when looking at "dirty dishes" on Google. Who knew I'd find this woman's blog who, at the time of writing it, was feeling so much like the way I do? She was (is) an enormous encouragement to me.

5. Okay, I wasn't going to say this, but I'm being open with myself. I am thankful for that flavored beer I drank earlier in the day after two pieces of whole wheat toast. I felt like I needed some pampering.. - not the spoil-yourself-rotten type, where you go spend hundreds of dollars on a manicure, massage, shopping, dinner & coffee! - but the "I need to reconnect with my spirit, I'm going to curl up with a book, and yes, I want a beer." It was magical.

6. Peppermint tea. My days of melancholy sadness would not be the same if I didn't have a comforting mug of hot tea with honey in my grasp. Seriously, a little big of comfort food or comfort drink goes a long way. Besides, I think the natural herbal goodness of peppermint really can restore the soul. (I am steeping a cup right now as we speak.)

7. Annie Wilder. I am grateful for Annie Wilder. She is an author, and I've read two of her books. She's a very open, honest, and evenly paced writer. She keeps my attention so easily, that I read nearly *all* of her most recent book (Spirits out of Time) just this morning/afternoon. This girl is a happy girl when she holds a book.

I'll have to stop at 7 today. The man of the house is home. Later, my friends! :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, sweetheart... this post blesses my soul. :) You're right about mint; it is so naturally refreshing and reviving! And I so love curling under a quilt with a good book and a mug of warm tea as well... especially this time of year. Autumn and Winter months seem to have natural invitations to spend chilly afternoons doing just that! :)
