Friday, September 23, 2011

Yoga Lesson

This is my peach pie. Do you want it? DO you? If you promise not to lie to me, I might share the recipe with you. . .

 Peeeaaaccchhh Piiieee... Peach pie... peach pie.. peach pie.. peach pie.. PEACH PIE.... hypnotize yourself. *You Want Peach Pie*

Sit down Yoga-style
Shut your eyes
Place your wrists on your knees
Touch your thumb and middle finger together 
Like this.......

"Ummmmmmm..." -meditate. Clear your mind.
Is it clear?
Alright, now, start telling yourself about Peach Pie.
You need peach pie.
Mmm... list off the ingredients.

Flour. Sugar. Butter. Water. Salt. Soft, warm crust.
Peaches. Fresh peaches. A bit of sugar. Some butter.
Another layer of smooth, delicious crust.
Sprinkled spices and sugar. Melted butter.
Warm from the oven.
Fresh, homemade. . .

Are you drooling yet?

Continue this routine until you are ABSOLUTELY sure you want some peach pie.

1 comment:

  1. Ahahaha! I love how you somehow turned the desire for warm peach pie into a yoga lesson... that takes skill, m'dear. ;) In other news, I am absolutely THRILLED to see you here on Blogger! I feel like we're now something a little more like neighbors... and now I can follow you. ;)
