Saturday, January 14, 2012

Twelve Per Cent

Blogging desperately because you have only 19.. er, 18% battery left on your laptop, yet you have no idea what you want to talk about, can be very pointless and boring. So don't say I didn't warn you.

I scared myself just a moment ago, thinking I'd accidentally called someone I barely knew.. only to realize it was a radio playing in the next room. Okay, it might have been someone at Verizon Wireless to my left and slightly behind me. Or the party going on in Ground Round's party room to my right and slightly to the front. There is a fireplace directly across from me, about 25 feet away. 

After tilting my head as far back as it goes against the leather couch I'm sitting on, I realize that the room is octogonal shaped. To my left and forward is Gatherings. A *really* big woman just walked in front of me. She took up most of the hallway. Hey, just making observations. What else am I to do here, with just 16% battery left? I type as quickly as I can, gathering as much information as possible - which isn't much. I feel a little self-conscience, with people walking all around and behind me. Great, now they know my real name (facebook tab open) and my blog address. Hm, maybe I'll get more followers? Won't get my hopes up.

Still 16%. I'm hungry. Justa Pizza Place is to my back, which is a good thing as I am on a liquids diet. I don't need to be looking at their menu which is posted on the door, or smelling the delicious fresh baked pizzas wafting in. Very good thing they're to my back. Justa kids store is to the left of Justa Pizza Place, if I were facing it. Since I am not, it's to the left and behind me. (I do expect you to draw this out when I'm all finished. It's like a mind game. ;) Now .. I lost my train of thought. That's what happens when I answer texts in the middle of trying to blog. 14%.

Have I forgotten anything? Okay, the floor is mostly tan stone, though the center (of course in an octagon) is red bricks. I doubt if they are real.) Now I am *really* thinking about food. Trying to ignore it. 3:25pm. The man is supposed to be coming for me, sometime here.

Large lady emerges from door. Same one. Better hide while she walks past. That would be soo embarrassing. Nevermind. She's going the other way. 13%.

I will go home before we go to LaCrosse, so I can get my grocery list of all the foods I'm making this week. That will be fun - but they say not to shop when hungry. I'll just have to deal with it. 

As a young woman, my grandma had a typing job.. they were timed to see how many words per minute they could do. I wonder if I timed how long battery runs out and how much I had to see how many words I did a minute.. never mind. Not worth it. 12%. 

Ahh! I'm saved. The man has come. But.. ugh. Good timing. Lots of people walking past now. Wouldn't want them to see the things I thought of them. I did it with still 12%. Later, peoples. ;)

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